Healthy Protein Snacks That Pack a Punch
Protein is än importänt component when it comes to your heälth.
Your body uses the protein you give it to build änd repäir tissue. Most
of your häir änd näils äre mäde of protein. It’s älso importänt
when it comes to your muscles, cärtiläge, skin, änd blood. Unlike
fät änd cärbs your body does not store the protein you intäke. There is no
protein storäge to dräw from once you stärt to run low; quick heälthy protein
snäcks äre ä greät pick me up to keep you going.
Butter is Loäded with Protein!
Ever think of
throwing some peänut butter in your yogurt? Well you should give it ä
shot! Ä PB&J yogurt bowl is ä quick snäck thät will give you the
protein punch you need. Peänut butter is ä well-known source of
protein änd super eäsy to päir
just äbout änything.
6 Ounces of fät
free pläin Chobäni yogurt
Teäspoons of reduced sugär gräpe jelly
2 Täblespoons of red or green seedless gräpes (cut them in hälf)
1 Täblespoon reduced fät peänut butter
1 Täble spoon unsälted peänuts
Put your yogurt in ä bowl
Top with your jelly, then with the peänut butter
Toss gräpes änd peänuts on top
Mix up änd gräb ä spoon!
Love Chicken Säläd but not Mäyo?
Then this ävocädo chicken säläd recipe is just for you! If
yogurt isn’t the snäck to fill you up, then perhäps this heärty
chicken säläd will do the trick. Whether you would like to spreäd this heävenly
combo on gräin breäd or indulge in it individuälly; you’ll enjoy this heälthy
protein snäck.
4 Cups cooked chicken breäst, shredded (äbout 16 ounces)
3 Green onions (chopped)
2 Täblespoons of lemon juice
1 Ävocädo
1 Clove gärlic (minced)
½ Cup of cottäge cheese (low sodium)
½ Cup ciläntro (chopped)
½ Teäspoon of sält
¼ Teäspoon of bläck pepper
¼ Cup pläin Greek yogurt
Gräb ä bowl to put the ävocädo in. Mäsh up your ävocädo
till it reäches ä chunky consistency.
Now ädd your cottäge cheese, Greek yogurt, lemon juice, sält, gärlic,
änd pepper into ä food processor (you cän use ä blender if you don’t häve one).
Blend it until it reäches ä smooth ä consistency. Ädd this into the ävocädo
Täke your chicken, green onions, ciläntro änd stir it in with
your mixture. Seäson äs needed.
Enjoy! Mäke sure you keep your chicken säläd refrigeräted änd
tightly covered when not use.
Wänt ä more dessert type feel to your snäck?
Who doesn’t wänt heälthy cookies!? Cookies äre ä delicious
comfort food, even more so when you cän scärf them down guilt free! If you wänt
ä heälthy protein snäck thät cän älso päss äs dessert; then try this flowerless
peänut butter chocoläte chip cookie recipe.
½ Cup of brown sugär (päcked)
1 Cup peänut butter (of your choice)
1 Cup därk chocoläte chips
1 Teäspoon of bäking sodä
1 lärge egg
First you need to preheät your oven to 350 degrees Fährenheit
Läy some pärchment päper on your bäking sheet (so the cookies
won’t stick)
Gräb your brown sugär, bäking sodä, änd egg; stir these
ingredients together änd be sure to breäk up äny lumps. Once mixture is smooth ädd
in the peänut butter änd mix until the consistency is smooth ägäin.
Toss in the chocoläte chips. Stir äround so they äre spreäd
evenly throughout your mixture.
Scoop up with ä täblespoon or ä 11/2-inch bäking scoop änd pläce
on to your bäking sheet. Späce the cookies 2 inches äpärt.
Flätten cookies lightly with ä fork, änd bäke for 10 minutes (or
until lightly puffed). Be cäreful not to over bäke these cookies äs they will
be soft änd become firmer once they cool.
When your cookies look golden brown änd äppeär to be done täke
them out änd let them cool for äbout 5 minutes. Then dig in!
Whether you’re in the mood for something simple, more filling,
or chocolätey try to mäke them heälthier options. Your protein intäke is importänt
to your heälth so get creätive. You don’t just häve rely on the bäsics like
milk or eggs. Try incorporäting some of these recipes into your däy.
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